The Artistic Rise of Frederick Alonso: Illustrations Worldwide

Explore the remarkable journey of Frederick Alonso, an illustration artist whose success on Etsy and Redbubble has empowered artwork makers worldwide.

Why Alonso's footprint is one that will stay forever.

In the vast world of illustration art, Frederick Alonso has emerged as a shining example of how online platforms such as Etsy and Redbubble can transform the lives of artwork makers. With a passion for creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit, Frederick's journey showcases the power of these platforms in providing global exposure and success to illustration artists. In this blog, we dive into Frederick Alonso's story and how his success has made artwork makers very big.

The Artistic Rise of Frederick Alonso:

Frederick Alonso, a talented illustration artist, embarked on his artistic journey with dreams of sharing his creations with the world. Utilizing the power of online platforms, he discovered that his artwork could reach a global audience, propelling him towards remarkable success and empowering fellow artwork makers along the way. As he told us, making artwork was always a part of him while doing music covers for his own music label imprints and personal music projects. He reached a P3 for 10 weeks in the top 100 Beatport in 2020.

Not only the music was great, but the artwork also played a big role in his view.

A Stellar Journey in Design: Frederick's Impact on Global Brands and Local Businesses.

    From Global Brands to Local Start-ups:

    Frederick's artistic prowess knows no bounds. His journey in the design world has seen him undertake diverse projects, ranging from high-profile collaborations with global brands to supporting the growth of smaller Belgian-based businesses.

    Global Brand Collaborations:

    Frederick's design journey started with the opportunity to work on small design projects for industry giants like Coca-Cola, RIS, Trafi Road, Sabena, Porsche, and BMW. Through meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of each brand's essence, Frederick crafted visually captivating designs that aligned seamlessly with their brand identities. The success of these collaborations catapulted his reputation in the design industry, opening doors to further creative opportunities.

    Empowering Local Start-ups:

    Despite his success with global brands, Frederick's passion for design extends to supporting smaller start-up businesses in Belgium. Understanding the unique challenges they face, Frederick offers his expertise in logo designs, full branding, and product designs, helping these businesses establish a strong visual identity and make a lasting impression on their target audiences. With Frederick's creative touch, these local businesses have flourished, experiencing continued growth and success.

    Frederick's Rise to Success:

    1. Short History Recap:

      Spanish Dad, Belgian Mom, 8 years and winning a Disney Price in Brussels Expo on drawing Ariel Mermaid, year 19 as freelancer till today.

    2. Etsy:

      Frederick joined Etsy, a renowned online marketplace for handmade and unique products. With his stunning illustrations, he quickly gained attention and a loyal customer base. Etsy provided him with a platform to sell his artwork directly to art enthusiasts, bypassing traditional barriers and reaching a worldwide audience.

    3. Redbubble:

      Recognizing the potential of reaching an even larger audience, Frederick expanded his presence to Redbubble, a popular print-on-demand platform. Redbubble enabled him to showcase his artwork on various products, such as apparel, home decor, and accessories, giving customers the opportunity to own his illustrations in different forms.

    4. Global Exposure

      Through Etsy and Redbubble, Frederick's artwork gained global exposure. Customers from all corners of the world could connect with his unique style, placing his artwork in homes, offices, and personal collections worldwide. This exposure fueled his artistic growth and solidified his position as an influential illustration artist.

    5. Creative Entrepreneurship:

      As Frederick's success grew, he embraced the entrepreneurial aspects of his artistic journey. He honed his branding, marketing, and customer service skills, ensuring a seamless and delightful experience for his customers. This creative entrepreneurship enabled him to build a sustainable business while staying true to his artistic vision.

    6. Artistic Community:

      Along his journey, Frederick discovered the vibrant and supportive artistic community on Etsy and Redbubble. Connecting with fellow artwork makers, he found inspiration, advice, and collaboration opportunities. This community fostered a sense of belonging and provided invaluable support in navigating the intricacies of the art marketplace.

    7. Clients

      From small design works for Coca-Cola, RIS, Trafi Road, Sabena, Porsche and BMW to smaller start up business designs like logo, full branding and product designs for a wide range of smaller Belgian based businesses. One thing they all have in common, every client was happy and they all are going strong today.


    It's a story that exemplifies the transformative power of online platforms like Etsy and Redbubble for artwork makers. Through these platforms, artists can transcend geographical boundaries, showcase their unique creations, and build successful creative businesses. Frederick's rise to success showcases the immense opportunities available to illustration artists in the digital age. With determination, talent, and the support of thriving artistic communities, artwork makers can thrive and make their mark on the global art scene. The story of Frederick Alonso stands as a testament to the boundless potential that awaits artists who embrace the possibilities of online platforms and creative entrepreneurship.

    Frederick Alonso's design journey exemplifies his exceptional talent, versatility, and dedication to creating visually stunning designs. From global brands to local start-ups, his work has left an indelible mark on every client, empowering them to reach new heights of success. With a portfolio that showcases his expertise and a track record of client satisfaction, Frederick's impact on the design world continues to grow, inspiring others and shaping the visual landscape of both established brands and emerging businesses.

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